How do you find the perfect shrimp?
We are a group of leading companies sharing one main mission: to drive the future of shrimp aquaculture to be a clean, sustainable, and successful practice for the world. In order to reach our goal, we’ve set out a clear and ambitious plan to lead the whole sector to the next level.
For a greater future we will:
- Produce a healthy, nutritious, and pure product farmed in a sustainable way.
- Work in partnership with each other, and with others, to improve social and environmental performance.
- Create differentiation and offer improved choice for consumers in global seafood markets, by increasing awareness of, the preferential environmental and social practices of SSP members and setting an example for others to follow.

In order to drive a change in the global industry, SSP has rectified 4 fronts of action
SSP Product Qualification Criteria
Consumer Awareness

Sustainability Leadership Roundtable
Scale up Programme

As SSP members we share a vision to shape the sustainable future of the industry by producing the highest quality shrimp and ensuring the sector is a clean, sustainable, and successful practice for the world. To help us achieve that vision, we have developed an SSP philosophy based on four key attributes which will be the framework behind our actions.

Ensuring all our actions are performance and result driven; and demonstrating progress against our commitment to continuously improve our environmental and social performance.

Provide accessible information on the practices behind the product, where it comes from and to what level of sustainability, to give our customers the tools they need to make informed choices on what they buy.

By working in collaboration with other companies, NGOs and stakeholders, we aim to support together industry-wide improvements in social and environmental performance and elevate the whole industry to the next level in sustainable practices.

Progressive leadership
Continually looking to the future and identifying where and how we can drive change and lead progress to ensure shrimp farming is a sustainable and successful practice for the world.
- The global population is set to hit 9 billion by 2050.
- Demand for protein is set to double by 2050.
- By 2025, the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) expects aquaculture’s contribution to grow to more than half of global fish consumption.
- Approximately 3 million tonnes of farmed shrimp are produced each year, and that amount will need to increase to meet growing demand.

Aquaculture is also a highly efficient form of protein production. It uses less land and less fresh water than meat production and has a better feed conversion ratio and a higher rate of protein retention – which ultimately means through aquaculture we get more food and protein from fewer resources, having a smaller impact on the environment.
However, not all aquaculture is produced equally. Up until now the farmed shrimp sector has been a commodity market and has rewarded those with the lowest prices. In some cases, falling prices has meant farming practices have been sacrificed, often resulting in poor social practices, lower product quality, and higher use of antibiotics due to greater risk of disease outbreaks.
As SSP members we want to change this, and instead set the industry on a new path – a race to the top.We believe that farmed shrimp can offer a healthy and sustainable food to contribute to the growing global demand for healthy protein and seafood; and by producing shrimp to the SSP criteria of achieving the highest environmental and social standards (ASC), use of zero antibiotics, and neutral impact on water – we can ensure a sustainable future for the farmed shrimp sector. SSP shrimp is farmed by people who care, for people who care.